Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 20 September 1986
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uwterm - (possibly remote) terminal emulation for UW  


uwterm [ -wtype ] [ -ttitle ] [ -nserveraddr ] [ -lloginname ] [ host ]  


Uwterm is a utility program for use with the uw multiple-window interface to UNIX. It creates a window in which a terminal session is conducted. If no arguments are given the terminal is created on the local machine. A hostname may be specified; in this case, the terminal is created on the remote host. (Uwterm must be installed on the remote host and permissions for rsh must have been set up correctly in order for this to work.) Uwterm examines the `SHELL' environment variable and executes the program named there. The `-l' option can be used to specify the login name under which the remote process will be executed (the default is the current account).

Unlike uwtool, uwterm does not exit until the window it has created is destroyed; hence, it will usually be desirable to run it in the background.

Normally, the terminal type of the new window is inherited from the window in which uwterm is run. It is possible to override this with the `-w' option (`w' stands for `window emulation type'). The window types are the same as those accepted by the uwtool program.

The title of the newly-created window may be specified with the `-t' option. If this option is omitted, the title will be the host name.

Normally uwterm will examine the environment for the variable `UW_INET' and will connect to the uw server with that address. The `-n' flag can be used to specify an alternate server network address. The address should have the form `xxxxxxxx.ddd' where `x' is a hexadecimal digit and `d' is a decimal digit. The hexadecimal number is the host's Internet address and the decimal number is the port on which the server is listening for connections. The `-n' flag is used by uwterm itself: it creates a remote terminal by invoking itself on the remote machine (using rsh) and specifying the network address of the local server.  


Uwterm is of no use on unix unless the server is running and uw is being run on the Macintosh.
If there is a stream of output in one window there will be lag in recognizing characters typed in another.
There are so many levels of buffering that user-entered CTL-S/CTL-Q flow control is practically useless, even at relatively low baud rates.  


rsh(1), uw(L), uwtitle(L), uwtool(L)
uw Macintosh documentation (`UW --- A Multiple-Window Interface to UNIX')
`The UW Programmer's Library'  


John Bruner, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 9/86.  


There are so many levels of buffering that typing XON and XOFF to suspend output within a window is futile.




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